The first Italian R&D center and producer of green hydrogen technologies.
Since 2017 the experience of our UFI INNOVATION CENTER in the study and production of filtration materials has been made at the service of the development of new technologies for the hydrogen sector, to mark the path to decarbonization. It’s no longer time to wait, we cannot stand by and watch climate change take place. For this reason, in 2023 UFI HYDROGEN was born, the NewCo dedicated to the research and development, implementation and industrialization of the MEAs – Membrane Electrode Assemblies – strategic component for both water electrolysers for the green hydrogen production and of the fuel cells for the green hydrogen utilization in the zero-emission mobility.
Global demand of green hydrogen is expected to increase from at least 2-fold up to 7-fold, with an overall growth that will get from 1 GW in 2022 to 3,600 GW by 2050, that’s why we have decided to act as major player of the green transformation.
We anticipate the future
At UFI Filters Group, innovation and cutting-edge vision come together to shape tomorrow. In our 3 R&D Centers and 21 global factories, we are committed to the realization of revolutionary technologies.
Guided by the innovative vision of our Chairman, Giorgio Girondi, our mission is to anticipate market trends with a keen eye on the well-being of our planet.
We are pioneers in the realization of innovative hydrogen-related technologies, as we have always been in the world of Formula 1, bringing benefits and winning performance to the 10 teams of the world’s most watched championship, and in the aerospace sector, having contributed our technologies to the prestigious ExoMars project.

We believe we can offer a future for our planet, taking an active part in the decarbonization process, bringing clean-tech innovations for the green energy of tomorrow, the one produced through renewable resources.
As a NewCo born from UFI Filters Group, in UFI HYDROGEN we want to explore the opportunities linked to the hydrogen industry and develop the best formulations to industrialize the MEA – Membrane Electrode Assembly – suitable for the production of green hydrogen, through electrolysers powered with renewable energy, for the hydrogen fuel cells and for electrochemical compressor.

A revolutionary technology
The Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) MEA is the center of our research, the essential part that makes the whole electrolysis process possible and on which our productive energies are focused. Electrolysis powered by renewable energies splits water into oxygen and green hydrogen. In the anode side of the MEA the water molecules H2O are oxidized to oxygen, protons and electrons, whereas in the cathode side, the supplied electrons and the protons that have conducted through the membrane are combined to create gaseous hydrogen H2.

A carbon-neutral future: the core of our business.
PEM water electrolysis is one of the most efficient systems for the generation of green hydrogen, by renewable energy. The MEA is the heart of the electrolysers where electrochemical reactions for the hydrogen production take place. Combining our experience in industrial manufacturing of filtration membranes, with the results of our pledge in electrochemistry R&D, in UFI HYDROGEN we have developed the secret recipe for the industrialization of MEAs, to enable the green hydrogen revolution.
Where we are

UFI Group
Learn more about our approach.
Read our press releases and our latest news from UFI HYDROGEN.
UFI Hydrogen unveils game-changing technology for sustainable green hydrogen and clean energy at Automechanika
UFI Filters, renowned as a leading company in the fields of filtration ...
Read moreUFI HYDROGEN: the only Italian company among 11 European partners involved in the IPCEI Hy2Move project for innovation in the hydrogen value chain
UFI HYDROGEN - NewCo of the UFI Filters Group specialising in the deve ...
Read moreGiorgio Girondi, Chairman of the UFI Filters Group tells how NewCo UFI Hydrogen was born.
Fifty million in investments over the next four years to create a pole ...
Read more4 Million €
MEAs for water electrolysers
Investments from Provincia di Trento
26,5 Million €
MEAs for fuel cells
Investments from IPCEI Hy2Move Wave
We engage with the major international players of the hydrogen industry.
We are involved in an open dialogue with the main global areas where hydrogen will and is already experiencing strong growth and demand. Our R&D in UFI HYDROGEN counts on the active support of Provincia Autonoma di Trento and FBK (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) for innovation projects on MEAs for water electrolysers and as well as of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento for the development of the new production site. Furthermore, UFI HYDROGEN plays an important role in the IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) Hydrogen Program in the Hy2Move Wave, with the Project Roll-to-Roll Production of innovative MEA, along with other important European partners.

Get in touch with us
If you have any questions about our company and technologies, contact our team.
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